Earth and air

In this article an in-depth look is taken at the connection between the elements Earth and Air. This article is part of a four part series, the other articles in the series are Connecting Air and Fire, Connecting Fire and Water and Connecting Water and Earth. The articles can be read in any order.


Traditionally Earth is associated with the north, with the winter solstice and with midnight. Air is associated with the east, with the spring equinox and with dawn. Earth is considered to be female and Air male. Both are considered to be constant elements.


The world is travelling from midnight to dawn, from a state of darkness and silence to the first morning light and the sounds of a world coming alive...

One aspect of Earth is the material plane, the world around us. One aspect of Air is thought, knowledge. We need the light of reason to understand the world around us and learn from our experiences. At the same time we need to realise that our ideas about the world may be wrong, or out-dated. A world view that's too inflexible will keep us from perceiving the world as it really is. Our ability to change and grow, and to adapt to the world around us, very much depends on how we see ourselves and our place in the world.

Heaven and earth... the combination conjures up an image of utter stability, of the blue sky over a landscape that has hardly changed in centuries...

Both Earth and Air are constant elements. One aspect of connecting Earth and Air is coming to terms with everything that is constant in your life. A lack of constance will cause you to drift through life without being able to influence what happens to you; too much constance will make you inflexible and unable to change.


To learn more about the connection between Earth and Air in your own life, you might ask yourself questions like these:

Further exploration

Take some time to explore the individual elements:
On-site link, opens in this window Earth
On-site link, opens in this window Air

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