The wheel in space (1968)

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This was a six-part serial, first broadcast between 27th April - 1st June 1968. A brief and somewhat spoiler-ish summary of the plot: the Doctor and Jamie find themselves in the middle of another attempt by the Cybermen to first conquer a strategic space station - the Wheel of the title - an then the earth.

What I've seen:

Part 1 is missing Part 2 is missing Part 3 Part 4 is missing Part 5 is missing Part 6

Parts three and six. The other four episodes are lost.

Let's start with the not-so-good bits:

Mixed feelings about:

The good bits:

My verdict:


Worth seeing for the confrontation between the Doctor and the Cybermen in part six. For better - and better preserved - 'base under siege' stories from the Troughton era, try 'The moonbase' or 'The seeds of death'.

More about Doctor Who

An introduction:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: introduction

More "interesting" Doctor Who:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: interesting

More from the Patrick Troughton years:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: 1966 - 1969

Similar stories:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: alien invasion

Original version of this review:
On-site link, opens in this window 07/01/01

More about this serial

Episode guides:
Off-site link, opens in new window BBC Cult

Serial reviews:
Off-site link, opens in new window Outpost Gallifrey

DVD reviews (of the 'Lost in time' boxed set):
Off-site link, opens in new window Outpost Gallifrey

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