Timelash (1985)

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This serial was first broadcast between 9 - 16 March 1985. A brief and somewhat spoiler-ish summary of the plot: when the Doctor and Peri decide to go on holiday they end up in an episode of "Blake's 7" and meet H.G. Wells.

Though this isn't a good serial, it's not entirely bad either. Some good things:

Some still somewhat good things:

The big problem, however:

My verdict:


Kind of fun, in a weird sort of way.

More about Doctor Who

An introduction:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: introduction

More "interesting" Doctor Who:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: interesting

More Doctor Who with Colin Baker:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: 1984 - 1986

Similar stories:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: space opera

Original version of this review:
On-site link, opens in this window 08/12/31

More about this serial

Episode guides:
Off-site link, opens in new window BBC Episode guide

Serial reviews:
Off-site link, opens in new window Outpost Gallifrey

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