Time-flight (1982)

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This is a four-part serial, first broadcast between 22 - 30 March 1982. A brief and somewhat spoiler-ish summary of the plot: a Concorde goes missing on its way to Heathrow. Then an unidentified flying object appears on the radar. It's the Tardis...

Let's start with the good news:

Moving on to the bad news:

The biggest problem is the story. Or rather, there are a number of problems with the story that make it a non-starter as the basis for a television script:

As if this wasn't enough there's also the acting, though I suppose the script gave everyone very little to work with:

And, as if that wasn't enough, we also get this:

My verdict:

Oh, dear...


More about Doctor Who

An introduction:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: introduction

More "oh, dear..." Doctor Who:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: oh, dear...

More Doctor Who with Peter Davison:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: 1982 - 1984

Similar stories:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: time travel

Original version of this review:
On-site link, opens in this window 08/09/04

More about this serial

Episode guides:
Off-site link, opens in new window BBC Episode guide

Serial reviews:
Off-site link, opens in new window Behind the sofa
Off-site link, opens in new window Outpost Gallifrey

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