09/09/20 Doctor Who: The unicorn and the wasp
09/09/19 Doctor Who: The Doctor's daughter
09/09/18 Quick links about privacy and technology
09/09/14 Doctor Who: The Sontaran stratagem / The poison sky
09/09/13 Doctor Who: Planet of the Ood
09/09/12 Doctor Who: The fires of Pompeii
09/09/11 Quick links about privacy and technology
09/09/07 Doctor Who: Partners in crime
09/09/06 Doctor Who: Voyage of the damned
09/09/05 Quick links about privacy and technology
09/09/03 Unrelated linkage
Professor Peach, in the library, with a lead piping.
Read the review here:
The unicorn and the wasp (2008)
Like the fourth Doctor, this episode is full of ideas. Unfortunately, many of the ideas aren't that great.
Read the review here:
The Doctor's daughter (2008)
Databases and child protection. Copyright, privacy and all that jazz. Free speech in the internet age. Behavioural targeting and privacy, yet again. Google books, yet again. The broadcast flag for UK digital TV? Everything else.
Databases and child protection.
The Independent: Anthony Seldon - We need trust, not more surveillance
Times Online: this CRB-check paranoia won't stop another Soham
Blogzilla: databases and child protection
Copyright, privacy and all that jazz.
Calgary Herald: Copyright law threatening
Techdirt: Is copyright law compatible with privacy rights?
The Guardian: Charlie Brooker - What links Lord Mandelson, Damien Hirst and the music industry?
Techdirt: Good old fashioned rant on overbearing copyright holders
Techdirt: The propaganda the copyright industry teaches our children
Free speech in the internet age.
NYT: A legal battle - online attitude vs. rules of the bar
The technology liberation front: Courts confront changing attitudes towards privacy
The Wall Street Journal: Free speech, now that speech is free
The technology liberation front: Crovitz on the regulation of free speech in an age of abundance
Behavioural targeting and privacy, yet again.
PolicyBeta: Digital signage and consumer privacy
Bottom-up: The problem with "fair information practices" on the web
Google books, yet again.
Cato@Liberty: the libertarian case against the Google book search deal
The broadcast flag for UK digital TV?
EFF: License to kill innovation - the broadcast flag for UK digital TV?
Techdirt: Sneaky UK attempt to DRM television
Everything else.
PolicyBeta: Thoughts on identity from the Gov 2.0 summit
PolicyBeta: HHS's new harm standard for breach notification
Schneier on security: File deletion
Tech and law: Venn of identity - updated
Read the review here:
The Sontaran stratagem / The poison sky (2008)
Evil corporation evil. Ood good.
The review can be found here:
Planet of the Ood (2008)
It's volcano day.
The review can be found here:
The fires of Pompeii (2008)
Insufficient security + data theft = law suit? More about the failure of anonymisation. The debat about online behavioural targeting continues. Googlebooks and privacy - and do people just hate Google? Social networking and security. Big Brother is watching you fly. Everything else.
Insufficient security + data theft = law suit?
David Johnson's Digital media lawyer blog: Shakes-Yeakel v. Citizens Financial Bank - failure to expeditiously implement state-of the art security measures can create liability for negligence in data breach cases
Wired threat level: Court allows woman to sue bank for lax security after $26,000 stolen by hacker
More about the failure of anonymisation.
Ars Technica: "Anonymized" data really isn't - and here's why not
The debat about online behavioural targeting continues.
Ars technica: Privacy advocates want regulation of behavioral advertising
Bottom-up: EFF wanders off the reservation
The technology liberation front: Privacy war II - a historical comparison, not a moral equation
Bottom-up: Privacy trade-offs and the importance of experimentation
Googlebooks and privacy - and do people just hate Google?
FTC: Commissioner and Commission staff public statements and letters (September 3, 2009)
The Register: Feds force Googlebooks privacy promise - Or at least part of it
The technology liberation front: Is Google Book settlement a privacy threat?
Ars Technica: Resistance to Google book deal builds as Google woos Europe
Wired threat level: Google book plan hits privacy snag
The technology liberation front: "Google bigotry", corporate-bashing & human envy
Social networking and security.
Darkreading: Social networks fight back - How major social networks MySpace and Facebook are building up security - and where ther weakest links remain
The Register: Month of Facebook flaws gets underway
Big Brother is watching you fly.
Philosecurity: What does DHS know about you?
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: A sneak peek at a government file ABOUT YOU
Everything else.
Techdirt: Anonymity online under attack: China and Australia
Ideal government: Government ID - cracking news just in from the US
Data Loss DB: Data breach notification letters
NYT: A casualty of the technology revolution - 'locational privacy
Securiteam: The achilles heel of the Internet
DarkReading: University research exposes potential vulnerabilities in cloud computing
MediaPost: Maine AG rejects challenge to privacy law
Techdirt: Even more research - technology is making kids better writers, not worse
View from the bunker: top web threats in the history of the internet
Perfect lightweight fun.
The review can be found here:
Partners in crime (2008)
It's the Titanic in space. No iceberg, though.
The review can be found here:
Voyage of the damned (2007)
Facebook - latest developments. Online banking security (or the lack of it). Tracking and tracing online - new privacy rules needed? DHS laptop searches and privacy. Stalking and other (privacy) violations. Microsoft and U-Prove. Everything else.
Facebook - latest developments.
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Privacy and Facebook
Inside Facebook: Facebook announces significant changes to the way applications can access user data
PolicyBeta: Facebook taking steps to increase user data privacy
Techcrunch: Facebook wants to own idea of crowdsourced translations
Inside Facebook: A running summary of Facebook's virtual currency tests
Online banking security (or the lack of it).
Which? News: Onlinke banking security risks revealed
David Lacey's security blog: Online banking security (or lack of it)
Tracking and tracing online - new privacy rules needed?
Wired epicenter: Privacy groups urge curbs on online targeting
MediaPost: Watchdogs seek new web privacy laws
The technology liberation front: Why is EFF suddenly supporting Internet regulation?
DHS laptop searches and privacy
DHS: Privacy impact assessment for the border searches of electronic devices (PDF)
Ars Technica: New DHS laptop search policy - crap sandwich, fancier bread
Techdirt: Homeland security still plans to search laptops at borders with no probable cause
Stalking and other (privacy) violations.
The Guardian: Operation Motorman - the full story revealed
Philip Virgo's When IT meets politics blog: Remember the political cave-in that blocked realistic penalties for privacy abuse
U.S. Department of Justice: Stalking Victimization in the United States (PDF)
Officer.com: High-tech stalking
Microsoft and U-Prove.
Kuppinger Cole: Microsoft - minimum disclosure about minimum disclosure
Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog: Microsoft - minimum disclosure about minimum disclosure?
Everything else.
Datonomy: Autonomy, cultural identity and sensitive personal data
The privacy, identity and consent blog; Banning the 'I' word
Schneier on security: Stealing 130 million credit card numbers
Boston Review: Cyber-scare - the exaggerated fears over digital warfare
Schneier on security: The exaggerated fears of cyber-war
Slate: Unchain the office computers
Microsoft privacy & safety: Microsoft launches new online safety website for Web 2.0
Privacy, whatever it is. Have another cookie. Everything else.
Privacy, whatever it is.
PolicyBeta: A remedy for every wrong? Why we need a consistent privacy act
Digital identity forum: No-one should think this stuff is easy
MediaPost: User empowerment, not regulation, is the answer to privacy concerns about targeted ads
The technology liberation front: Online advertising - privacy zealot-elitists v. real consumer advocates
The data privacy imperative: The week in privacy - august 21, 2009
Have another cookie.
NYT: The government and the web
PolicyBeta: Both hands in the cookie jar
EFF: Recommendations for federal web privacy policy
PolicyBeta: New York Times discusses government website privacy
Everything else.
Schneier on security: Small business identity theft and fraud
DarkReading: New IEEE printer security standard calls for encryption, authentication, electronic "shredding"
The technology liberation front: Collier & Magid's "Online safety 3.0" - a refreshing approach to internet safety
Freedom to tinker: Subpoenas and search warrants as security threats
NYT: Mining the web for feelings, not facts
Techdirt; Reminder from the innovator's dilemma - markets change whether you like it or not
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