06/02/26 Links
06/02/07 Tarot progress #11
Catching up. I'm sorry I haven't been around much - I've been busy, among other things writing a chapter for a book on IT and public governance. Here's the latest unrelated linkage.
Cartoon violence. (And some rational thought.)
Furor over cartoons pits Muslim against Muslim
To the people of Norway and Denmark: we are sorry
Boomka: Isreali group announces anti-Semitic cartoon contest
User-friendly or just a bad idea?
EFF: Google copies your hard drive - government smiles in anticipation
The beauty of watch-making.
Time zone: Ron de Corte's notebook
(via Metafilter)
Searchable history.
University of Edinburgh: The survey of Scottish witchcraft
(via Metafilter)
Kottke's blogging-for-money experiment is over. This may be non-news to anyone who's not deeply immersed in the blogosphere, but it did trigger a rather interesting discussion on Metafilter about making money on the internet and the future of personal publishing.
Kottke: Oh, what a year
(via Metafilter)
Dead... dead... dead...
JMS News: Andreas Katsulas is gone
(via Metafilter)
Musings, rants and life-trivia of a writer and professional dominatrix.
Blogspot: Mistress Matisse's journal
(via Metafilter)
And some various flotsam...
Danah Boyd: Identity production in a networked culture - why youth heart MySpace
Blogspot: Literary architects
Blogspot: Sergio Leone and the infield fly rule
Metafilter: Burn, Onitsha, burn
Metafilter: In the year 8113
Today: Tarot progress.
First version of VIII Justice.
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