04/09/19 Links, novel progress #43
Updates may be infrequent, as I'm trying to finish my thesis before the end of September.
Harvey R. Ball, whose simple drawing of a smiling face on a yellow background became a cultural icon, died in 2001. Ball, who co-owned an advertising and public relations firm in Worcester, designed the Smiley Face in 1963 to boost the morale of workers in two recently merged insurance companies. Ball was paid $45 for his artwork by State Mutual Life Assurance Cos. of America -- now Allamerica -- in 1963.
Boston.com: Creator of smiley face icon dies at 79
Poorly drawn cartoons inspired by spam subject lines. Some made me laugh out loud, others I didn't get at all.
When the media get it wrong.
The daily howler
Most of us got over it.
I used to believe - the childhood beliefs site
Writing can be a - never mind.
Fiction bitch
(Via Metafilter)
One new episode in the past week, 682 new words, 60,561 words total.
Introduction and start of part 3
After the war (89)
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